
We specialise in driving innovation and strategic transformation across diverse industries.




With over 35 years of experience, our founder Chris Bungoni drives our commitment  to helping businesses navigate complex challenges, manage risks, and achieve sustainable growth.

We provide tailored solutions in innovation strategy, performance management, and digital transformation, empowering your business to reach new heights.

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Defining the Vision

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Customer satisfaction

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Measure Success

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Connect data, get deeper insights.

  • We set out what needs to be done and we make it happen.
  • From Vision and Strategy to Design, Delivery and Growth. We're specialist generalists.
  • We offer a fresh, new way of thinking. We're full stack consultants that will help you succeed.

Why you should choose our Consulting services?

Our consultants are experts in their respected fields. Not only do they deliver but they uplift your entire organisation as they go:

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Client Needs Anticipation

Our consultants are experts at understanding and anticipating the client’s needs to more effectively manage the development process.

Efficient resource management

Our team respond quickly to new and changing requirements with clear understanding.

"Now, innovation isn't just about inventing the next new thing, like the iPhone or 3D printing or sending people to Mars. Technologies that go from zero to one. It could be new applications, business models, better processes that lower costs. These one-to-n innovations are just as important. Whatever makes us leaner, cleaner and more productive, all count."
Dr. Keyu Jin
Associate Professor - London school of Economics
"Pure pragmatism can’t imagine a bold future.
Pure idealism can’t get anything done.
It’s when the two cooperate that magic happens."
Simon Sinek.
Best selling Author - New York Times & Wall Street Journal